On Tue, 15 Sep 2009 13:43:53 -0700 (PDT), sueb >
>On Sep 12, 9:23*pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
>> In article >,
>> *"Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> > Tom Biasi wrote:
>> > > The TG's at Giant's stadium used to be awesome. You could walk around
>> > > the parking lot and socialize and trade food.
>> > > The TG squad now patrols the lot and dampers the fun a little. They
>> > > want you in your own spot and not in a an adjacent parking space.
>> > > So your setup has to be in the same parking spot as your car. I tow a
>> > > trailer and take 1.5 spots. I tell them I drove two vehicles to the
>> > > game and need two spots.
>> > > So far just a sideways look and they leave.
>> > Isn't parking still tight because they built a new stadium? *It might ease
>> > up after things settle down.
LOL! SF Giants parking settle down? Are you aware of where the ball
park is located? The whole point of putting the stadium where it is
(besides availability and cost) was for people to walk or use public
Does the icon of stadiums, Wrigley Field, have parking? I think not.
>> The stadium is almost in downtown San Francisco. *It's *never* going to
>> settle down there. *That's just a high density area. *We take the ferry
>> to the game. *Close parking costs more than the ticket to the game. *The
>> old stadium (which is still there, but not used for baseball anymore),
>> is in a lower density area.
>> --
>> Dan Abel
>> Petaluma, California USA
>Nobody tailgates for baseball - it's a football thing. So in San
>Francisco, it's still going on at Candlestick (or whatever they've
>renamed it to this week), because the Niners still play there. Biasi
>is referring to the NY Giants.
>But in the Bay Area, the place to tailgate is the Coliseum before
>Raiders games. For some reason, Raider fans are into tailgating big
>time - there's great stuff every weekend out in that parking lot!
>Susan B.
49ers fans tailgait too, but they don't wear all the make up and
costumes like Raiders fans do. Raider fans are definitely worthy of
TV close ups! IMO: watching 49er fans is like watching Stanford
Cardinal fans... too bad we (meaning both teams) don't have a band as
entertaining as Stanford's.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.