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George Shirley wrote:
> I've never tried that but have a strong feeling they would turn loose as
> pressure built up during the fermentation period. We don't do fermented
> pickles as our climate is just to hot.
I have made salt-brined pickles just south of the Equator, and they've
turned out alright. I ferment them in a stainless steel stockpot,
outdoors and lightly covered. They do build up a healthy yeast film
which detracts from the appearance, but they ferment fine and taste
wonderful (IMHO). Fermentation, for some reason, is no quicker than
books suggest would be normal in more temperate climates (never less
than 7 days, never more than 14). I don't BWB them, but put them in the
fridge or give them away with a similar instruction. In the past I've
left them covered inside a spare room, and they do build up pressure --
not enough to burst the jar in my experience, but enough to make a mess
if the lid isn't screwed down very tightly.
FWIW, I use small cukes plus a garden salad of other stuff, often
garlic, shallots, baby carrots and green beens. Significant other and
her family love the garlic, and I could give away jars of just that. I
don't think it will ferment well on its own, however, the little
beasties seem to need more readily available carbohydrate to get going.