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Posted to misc.invest.stocks,alt.politics.economics,sci.econ,soc.retirement,
Draggonfodder Draggonfodder is offline
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Posts: 1
Default Supposed problems with Medicare

"Lawyerkill" > wrote in message
On Sep 16, 3:33?am, Michael Coburn > wrote:
> Looks like to me that taxing aggregate AGI as opposed to taxing wages
> would result in a 40% increase in Medicare receipts while giving the
> lower income people a small tax break. ?That should keep the Medicare HI
> program solvent for a while without a rate increase, i.e. The rate of
> 2.9% is applied to AGI instead of to wages. ?
> And the actual fear mongering concerning medicare seems to be based on
> demographics. ?The demographics part may require an increase in the tax
> rate. So be it. ?Taking the system OUT of government will not solve any
> of the problems. ?And it will make the control of costs all the more
> difficult. ?It will make matters worse.

>Look a big reason why health care cost of going up is because we don't
>take care of ourself, our diet and life styles. The reason many people
>get sick is because of what they eat and how they live(notice the
>word, 'many' and not, 'all').

>You want to tax something, tax processed foods, white bread, TV
>dinners, things with added sugar and corn starch, etc. Now you are
>getting to the problem. Hey, maybe Obama can stop smoking(please don't
>tell me how hard it is, I'm an ex smoker). Get the crap they feed our
>kids out of the schools and teach them to eat right.

I keep telling everyone that you don't quit smoking you stop. I stopped in
1973, I see everyone trying to quit and I tell them that they should just
stop smoking. They tell me how hard it is.. I tell them it is easier to
stop than to gradually quit. It is the same with food. There are entire
industries out there for weight control. None of them work as they don't
change your lifestyle. Just stop eating bad foods and guess what, your
weight adjusts. Non-profit organizations are not non profit. They just
take more and more money and spend it. If they have extra money they give
it out in bonuses (not to the little guy). Since our government does not
have to earn the money they spend, they spend all they get and more. No
problem, just raise taxes. Raise it on the rich, on big companies, on
insurance companies... The person who ends up paying the tax is the
consumer. Our congress in made up of lawyers, so they make sure the lawyers
get a big slice of the pie as congress persons will go back to being lawyers
at some point. I feel that they should have to recluse themselves from
voting on any bill that would enrich lawyers. Wallstreet is out to make
money. They do it by taking it from investors at a high price and giving it
back at a lower price. They sell a stock to you at 100 and you sell it back
at 50 and they sell it back to you at 75 and you sell it back at 50. They
are in control.

bin there done that, ain't doing it again