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Janet Bostwick[_2_] Janet Bostwick[_2_] is offline
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Default king arthur flour

"Dymphna" > wrote in message
> Not all flour is equal. There are a great deal of additives put into
> flour which is not good for us and causing so many health problems in
> our country. Here is the web address of a better flour that we have
> 'Wheat Montana ~ Home' (
> When I use their flour it always tastes better and there are far less
> preservatives in it. They also have controls over how it is grown in the
> field, and the farmers have to do things to their standards.
> --
> Dymphna

To bad they decided to put in a deli/bakery instead of an honest bakery and
flour supply store here. They couldn't make a go of it on mediocre
sandwiches. I bought as much flour from them in 50 pounds sacks as I could
store. After an initial display for the grand opening, I had to order the
flour and wait weeks for it to arrive. I have no interest in buying their
flour in 5 pound bags from Wal-Mart. I love their flour. Too bad they
don't make a sales connection with Cash and Carry, they are located in the