In article > ,
"Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> snip
> >
> > I still need to clean the freezer out again and discard anything over 3
> > years old. I want to get a large dry erase board and actually write
> > down an inventory of what is in there along with it's freezing dates so
> > I can meal plan better and stop wasting food! I know it happens to us
> > all...
> >
> > I'm thinking of looking at some home made dog and cat food recipes and
> > using the older meats for that, maybe pressure cooking them after
> > removing any obvious freezer burn so that that stuff won't go to waste.
> >
> snip> --
> > Peace! Om
> >
> Gosh, that dry erase board sounds like an excellent idea. My deep freeze is
> extremely old, but we keep it because it was build with 2 rails to support 4
> wire baskets on each level and a big space left on the bottom. Even with me
> putting chicken in one basket, beef in another, I lose track of what is
> there. Your board idea may work. Updating the board is simply a matter of
> erasing. Cool.
Thanks. :-) Now I just have to DO it! <lol>
Our freezer is also very old. We keep it because it still WORKS.
I've seen too many stories of newer freezers only lasting about 5 years
or so.
> I find pork to be a total waste if it freezer burns. For me, pork is a
> short term storage item unless I have over-wrapped in foil. Pork picks up
> funky flavors from the freezer cabinet so easily. Beef may still be usable
> to make soup stock or soup meat. You dog and cat food recipes may be a good
> idea. I'd definitely use the pressure cooker.
> Janet
Oh yes! There would be no other way. Vionate is a good product for the
addition of vitamins. I'd most likely use it mostly for the dogs tho',
Cat nutrition is more difficult with their need for Taurine. Of course
tho', they mostly live on kibbles anyway (available 24/7) and the canned
food is just a small daily treat.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein