Silly Campbell's Soup "Sea Salt" Shtick...
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 12:48:56 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Culinarily-speaking (that would be us), sea salt is obtained by
>>> deliberately evaporating seawater. Table salt is mined from the
>>> earth."
>> And I bet you think all salts taste alike.
> Sheesh. What does that have to do with the conversation at hand?
> You're just falling all over yourself trying to "get me" at anything
> you can. What else you got in that grab bag of yours?
Oh I dunno, I'm sure you'll inspire me yet again.
> But to answer your question: Not at all. Garlic salt, seasoned
> salt, smoked salt, chlorides, sulfates, chromates, permanganates -
> they all taste quite different.
Hmmmm, let me get this straight. If you mix dried garlic with salt it
tastes different? Is that what you are trying to instruct everyone about,
oh learned one? I wait with baited breath another of your astute