On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 15:42:40 -0700, Mark Thorson wrote:
> After the Irish bacon fiasco, UK's biggest supermarket Tesco
> will start labelling all meat products with country of origin.
> Under UK law, it's legal to to label a product as "produced
> in the UK" even when the meat it contains was imported.
> Tesco is going to stop doing this.
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddr...labelling.html
I believe it just made law here as well, after much whining and
lobbying. Fruits, veggies and meats.
Most stores have already been complying with it anyway. Everything
I buy is labeled or is covered by a clearly posted blanket statement
("All meat is otherwise from the U.S."), with exceptions noted on
the labels.