Silly Campbell's Soup "Sea Salt" Shtick...
Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Omelet > wrote:
>> I may eventually change my mind tho' after that delightful sweet
>> Raspberry vinaigrette I had at the banquet a bit ago! It was the gods
>> and obviously made with Raspberry jam. I suspect a berry vinegar could
>> be used to thin out jam for the same effect. I've not experimented yet
>> and cannot find the Sysco clone recipe for it. :-( Balsamic might work
>> too.
Ken's has a nice bottled raspberry-pecan vinaigrette.
Penzey's sells something called "Raspberry Enlightenment" which
they say is useful in many different kinds of recipes. It might
work with oil, vinegr and a little honey or agave syrup.
gloria p