Be glad you don't live in England, Andy
James Silverton wrote:
> Goomba wrote on Tue, 22 Sep 2009 16:25:54 -0400:
>>> Yes they shouldn't of handled the muffins, but Tesco seems to
>>> be alittle heavy handed, as most of the comments of the story
>>> stated. With the amount of waste most food stores have, they could of
>>> just put the two muffins in the garbage and left it at that. It was
>>> mentioned that Tesco targets younger persons,
>>> I'm sure they wouldn't get away with pulling this crap
>>> on someone older.
> There are two views on the subject of exposure to natural contaminants.
> It has been shown that kids who grow up in less than pristine
> circumstances with pets and messing around in gardens have less
> allergies than those kept clinically clean. On the other hand, there was
> a dumb call from some professor in England to close petting zoos to
> avoid the poor dears being exposed to horrible things.
A local petting zoo was closed after one of the horses was infected
with rabies,probably from a visiting skunk .