Be glad you don't live in England, Andy
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "ffu" > wrote in message
>> I never said anthing about a teaching moment. The store could of told
>> them it
>> wasn't acceptable and handed them the two muffins in a bag so they could
>> be
>> paid for, but no...they had to get heavy handed for $1.05 CDN.
> They could have taken the easy route, but now thousands of people know it
> is an unacceptable practice and that you can be prosecuted.
Slight change in topic, I once picked up a package of meat to buy and after
I finished shopping, which wasn't long after I put the meat in my cart, I
changed my mind and went out of my way to return the meat to the meat
department, just where I got it from. I got really dirty looks from the
meat stocker. I could have done what I see others do all the time, which is
leave it on an unrefrigerated shelf to rot. But I wouldn't do that.
People have gotten really lazy. People never want to return things to where
they belong. Even shopping carts. So many stores have parking lot parking
spaces for carts. I once saw someone let a cart loose after they finished
unloading it into their car, and the cart went down a slight incline toward
the store, across "traffic" and crashed into a car. By the time the cart
came to rest against someone's car, the person who let it go willy nilly
through the parking lot was gone. Who do you think pays for the damage to
cars when carts damage them? I doubt the stores do. They post signs saying
they are not libel for damage due to carts.