Be glad you don't live in England, Andy
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 23:19:50 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:
-->"ffu" > wrote in message
.. .
-->> On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 18:21:05 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:
-->> -->
-->> -->"ffu" > wrote in message
-->> -->>
-->> -->> I never said anthing about a teaching moment. The store could of
-->> told
-->> -->> them it
-->> -->> wasn't acceptable and handed them the two muffins in a bag so they
-->> could
-->> -->> be
-->> -->> paid for, but no...they had to get heavy handed for $1.05 CDN.
-->> -->
-->> -->They could have taken the easy route, but now thousands of people know
-->> it is
-->> -->an unacceptable practice and that you can be prosecuted.
-->> Can you? I don't believe so...they'd destroy their stores' credibility
-->> first.
-->It is damaging property. Maybe that is not a crime where you live. Sure, it
-->is petty but sometimes people go after the publicity to make a point.
OK ED, here's what a lawyer says, a dear friend Gord whose been a lawyer 20
years said that the company may charge them, they may take them to court. But
once there the court will quite probably take the view that the case is
frivilous and a waste of their time and throw the case out. Then the media
would quite probably pickup the story and the company would have themselves in
the middle of negative media for weeks, and all for 60 Pence ($1.05 Cdn),
($0.99 US).
It would never happen... I would hope that the company has smarter people
( than you) who wouldn't allow this farce to get past the reprimand stage.