In article >,
George > wrote:
> Thats one thing that cracks me up with big box stores who trumpet their
> in house bakery. They sometimes make decent bread but then pack it in
> plastic bags which turns it into wonder bread which totally negates the
> value of an on premises bakery.
Our local supermarket (Safeway) has a bakery. Their crusty bread comes
in loose paper bags. The bags have a small plastic window where you can
see the "slash" on the top, and seeds for the seeded bread. They also
sell rolls, doughnuts, bagels and other baked items loose. They provide
bags and little sheets of plastic for picking up these items with your
fingers without touching any of the product with bare fingers or hands.
The plastic sheets and bags are very conspicuous and *right* next to the
items (multiple dispensers).
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA