In article >,
"James Silverton" > wrote:
> Default wrote on 24 Sep 2009 21:14:18 GMT:
> >> graham wrote:
> >>
> > >> Can't find the OP but what is the difference between "real
> > >> sweet apple cider" (fresh-pressed or otherwise) and
> > >> "Simply Apple" apple juice? Graham (to whom cider means an
> > >> alcoholic drink)
> >>
> >> cider = fresh pressed apple juice, no preservatives; it
> >> spoils or ferments rather quickly, often cloudy
> >>
> >> apple juice = juice that has been filtered, pasteurized or
> >> has preservatives added; some are even diluted with water
> > The new Simply Apple product (from Coca-Cola) is unfiltered
> > juice, not from concentrate. It is pasteurtized.
> I am reminded of the story of the grape juice that was popular in
> Probihition times. It was sold labelled "Take care, may ferment at room
> temperature".
There are a couple of roadside stores around here. They sell cherry
cider among other things. In my younger days, I couldn't buy a bottle
of the stuff without the clerk explaining under what conditions it would
ferment to produce an alcoholic beverage, and how long it would keep
after that.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA