KASHA ( buckwheat )
<RJ> wrote:
> Kasha was a regular meal when I was young.
> Toast slightly in a pan, then cook like rice.
> Add scorched butter before serving.
> Yet, most recipes I find include;
> " coat groats with egg-white, then pan-toast"
> What does the egg-white do ? ( seems it wouuld just scorch )
> Any speculation ?
I coated my kasha with a whole egg then toasted it. It did not scorch
if I watched it.
I don't know what it did for the kasha, but whatever it was it wasn't
necessary if using whole groats, just needed for the fine and medium
(milled) groats.
I refused to mess with tradition.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.