Cider (or lack thereof) rant
Gloria P wrote:
> graham wrote:
> >>
> > Can't find the OP but what is the difference between "real sweet apple
> > cider" (fresh-pressed or otherwise) and "Simply Apple" apple juice?
> > Graham (to whom cider means an alcoholic drink)
> >
> >
> cider = fresh pressed apple juice, no preservatives; it spoils or
> ferments rather quickly, often cloudy
> apple juice = juice that has been filtered, pasteurized or has
> preservatives added; some are even diluted with water
> hard cider = alcoholic cider, sales are controlled as other alcoholic
> products
> The flavor of cider is usually better if it contains a variety of apples
> and it is sweeter if pressed after a frost or a series of cold nights.
> gloria p
And then there is 'scrumpy', which is homemade (alcoholic) cider.
Powerful, often opaque and doesn't taste of apples at all LOL. And then
there is the fictional 'scumble', which is even more powerful and made
of apples. Mostly apples ;P