Cider (or lack thereof) rant
Victor Sack wrote:
> Gloria P > wrote:
> > cider = fresh pressed apple juice, no preservatives; it spoils or
> > ferments rather quickly, often cloudy
> >
> > apple juice = juice that has been filtered, pasteurized or has
> > preservatives added; some are even diluted with water
> >
> > hard cider = alcoholic cider, sales are controlled as other alcoholic
> > products
> So, if one were to remain half-way consistent, then perry would be
> freshly pressed pear juice and hard perry would be fermented/alcoholic
> pear juice. I think both - and all the cider versions - should be
> called Alfredo.
> Victor
LOL but perry is *always* fermented in the UK. Otherwise it's pear juice
or pear nectar.