end of summer ritual
On Sep 28, 7:54*pm, Don Martinich > wrote:
> Yesterday morning myself and partners pressed a 1/2 ton of Zinfandel
> into the barrel. It was completely fermented from mountain grown grapes
> which crushed out to about 25 Brix. (10 days on skins) Could be pretty
> intense. The crush has a lot of appeal to me for family reasons but what
> I'm enjoying about it this year is that it signals the end of our long
> hot Summer. Hopefully, Sunday was our last 100 degree day. Looks like
> midweek temps will be in the 70's. No real rain in sight- so no
> mushrooms yet. Melons and red peppers are winding down and there are
> shell beans if you can find them in the markets. Local asparagus will be
> back soon and the Halloween pumpkin/corn maze patches are back.
> So, what are your end of summer food?drink rituals?
> D.M.
Wall to wall tomatoes! Lucked into a bunch of beautiful ones at the
farmer's market then went to my synagogue for Yom Kippur and was
gifted with waay too many heirloom varieties including some really
small bright yellow grape tomatoes - not pear shaped, but round and
sweet as candy!
Lynn in Fargo
Gonna make ratatouille!