end of summer ritual
On Sep 28, 5:54 pm, Don Martinich > wrote:
> [snip]
> So, what are your end of summer food?drink rituals?
There is not a sharp delineation between seasons here in SoCal. For
us, summer is over when the pool is too cold for late-night skinny
dipping. Food wise, it isn't what we eat but what we plant. Now is
when the summer veggies come out of the planter box and the snow peas
and bok choys and lettuces get seeded. The heat wave broke and today
is 20 degrees cooler than it was -- all the way down into the 70s.
Maybe I'll make an honesttogod beef stew soon. Or a lamb stew with
Guinness in honor of Charliam's reappearance. -aem