On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 08:26:39 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:
>> I'm not paying any fees and every single month I
>> pay my balance in full.
>I've never paid a fee to use a credit card. As a matter of fact, I
>get paid to use my credit card.
>> If you care to go back and read my post from
>> last night you will see where I stated I've had my card for 4 years
>> and have yet to pay a penny in interest fees. Why?? Because my
>> balance is paid off EACH AND EVERY MONTH. The interest rate on this
>> card that I have that I've never paid interest on is 6.90%. What is
>> it that you don't understand that I've never paid any interest??
>> Zero, nada, zilch, none.
>We must have some kind of secret credit card that works differently
>than hers. Heh.
I've never seen a credit card that charges a usage fee... with many
there is a small yearly administration fee (like $25) whether it's
used or not and many financial institutions waive that fee for various
reasons like if one maintains a minimum bank balance or opens a
particular type of account, etc... but I've never seen where their is
a usage fee... now some ATMs have a useage fee, and many checking
accounts charge for checks and a fee to use each check and many debit
cards attach a fee for each transaction, but again, I have no knowlege
of any credit card that charges a fee for each transaction. But
credit cards do attach a fee for late payment in the form of interest
(after all, it's an unsecured personal loan). If one pays their
outstanding balance each period then credit cards are an excellent
financial tool... most importantly a credit card creates a paper trail
for every transaction (cash does not). Credit cards are much safer
than cash, even safer than traveler's cheques; if you lose your cash
or get robbed you're SOL... with credit cards a simple phone call
will disable the credit card (credit cards also set a low limit of
responsibility, like $50), and credit card security alerts for
improper use so won't allow the sale; like for any transaction over
say $500, or any duplicate purchase like two TVs, two toasters, or
even two separate grocery sales at the same store within a short time
period (credit card security will block the sale and immediately phone
to ascertain that it's actually you, by password, DOB, mom's maiden,
pet's name, etc.). And credit cards are an excellent tool for those
who travel, can't rent as car without a credit card, not even if you
pay cash up front, can't rent a hotel room or book a flight without a
credit card, can't do mail order purchases or internet purchases
without a credit card. And I always carry a few hundred dollars in
cash but most folks don't carry more than like $20-$40 in cash, so a
credit card makes it possible to go out for a day of shopping without
carrying a lot of cash, much safer depending on location... I've never
been mugged while driving my tractor. LOL
Only case where credit cards are NOT a good tool is for those too weak
minded to spend money in a responsible manner, ie, not spend more than
they can remit within the gratis period of their loan, yes, using a
credit card is an unsecured personal loan... and no points/perks equal
the interest on the unpaid balance... points/perks are just a gimmick
to lure in the pinheads to go into debt.
For me just the use of EZPASS is benefit enough for using a credit
card.... for those who don't know that's a little electronic gadget
stuck to my windshield that permits me to zip right through the marked
lanes at toll boths in the NYS area without having to handle cash.
also permits purchase of gas, etc., my credit card is automatically
charged the toll/fuel bill and with a small discount... there is no
fee with EZPASS.