Thread: Rot coal!
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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Rot coal!

Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Kathleen wrote about roasting red cabbage:
>> Turn the oven on to 425. Heat a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a
>> large cast iron skillet and sautee a couple of cloves of crushed garlic
>> until fragrant.
>> Add your cabbage, the whole head (minus the core, of course), coarsely
>> chopped, a teaspoon of kosher salt, a teaspoon of dried thyme and a
>> generous grinding of black pepper (maybe 1/2 tsp?). Stir and toss to
>> coat
>> the cabbage. Add maybe 1/3 cup of water to the pan. Chicken broth is
>> good if you've got it on hand, but water will work just fine. The point
>> is to provide a little steam.
>> Place in oven and roast for 10 minutes. Stir. Roast for 10 more
>> minutes.
>> The cabbage should be tender, sweet and browned on the edges. Taste and
>> correct for salt and pepper.

> That's about the same thought I had, except that I was thinking about
> cutting the cabbage into wedges rather than coarsely chopping it. I liked
> the idea of having a continuum of doneness.

Sure, that would work.

I also make this as a main dish with sliced kielbasa and serve it with
mashed potatoes.

My husbands brought one of the long-term outside contractors from the
plant home with him for dinner one day when I made this. I was annoyed
with him because I'd have made something a little nicer if I'd known we
were having a guest.

He wolfed it down, said it was the best meal he'd had in months (and
he'd been eating as much of any damned thing he wanted on GM's dime),
and that it made him homesick for his mother's cooking.

I boxed up the leftovers and sent them home with him.