Credit cards-how many do you have?
> I was so over paying a fee for a credit card, but I wouldn't be
> surprised to see that become the norm again. *
> > *now some ATMs have a useage fee,
> I would go pretty far to avoid that, it's one of those irritating things.
> The ATM bank charges you, then your own bank charges you on
> the other end. *I just use my bank's ATMs to avoid it. *The part that
> frosts me is they charge me for my ATM card, an annual fee. *
I've never seen an annual charge for an ATM card. Debit cards can be
used to withdraw cash at a machine - no fee.
My credit union allows 3 "off-site" ATM transactions a month with no
fee - after you use another machine more than that, there's a $1.50
fee I think - I've never used an alien machine more than once a month,
and rarely do it at all. The ones that really get me are Bank of
America's machines - they're in our super mall and charge $3 or $3.50
for every transaction, so I always take some cash along just in case,
in addition to my debit card. That fee is ridiculous when the machine
is taking the place of human assistance in the first place.
Trust me, the more Congress cracks down on banking fees, the more
inventive they become in increasing the ones they have or creating new
It seems like for you, a debit card would be perfect - they can be
either debit or credit depending on how the merchant is set up.
EZPass likely wouldn't know if yours was a debit card or credit card,
as long as it said MasterCard or Visa on it. My credit union card is
VISA-backed. No problems whatsoever. And no fee, unless I just up
and lose it, in which case I think a new one is $10.