Cooking related gifts?
Bob Terwilliger said...
> Gloria wrote:
>> It's hard to buy kitchen gifts for other people unless you know
>> --what they have
>> --what their cooking style is
>> --what they need
>> --what they want.
>> Someone who has it all might be as thrilled with pretty new dish towels
>> as another person would be with a KA or a breadmaker. It's all
>> relative. Unless a new gadget is truly earth shattering, someone with
>> limited space probably will send it to a charity resale shop within 6
>> months.
> Don't forget offbeat ingredients. My wish list has contained mosto cotto
> for quite some time. It's not all that expensive, but it's one of those
> things I'd use only now and again, so I haven't bothered to seek it out
> and buy it.
>> When in doubt or on a budget, homemade food is usually appreciated.
> True, but then you get into the whole arena of likes, dislikes,
> allergies, cholesterol count, net carbohydrates, and similar
> considerations.
> Bob