On Oct 3, 4:27*am, Nancy2 > wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2:11 pm, Kalmia > wrote:
> > Christmas, Hanukkah etc. are not TOO far off. *What would be a great
> > gift item (other than ingredients) for the ardent cook on your list?
> > *I'd love a top notch mandoline, m'self.
> ...a gift card to a kitchen supply place - either something like
> Williams-Sonoma (which wants top dollar for everything) or a
> restaurant supply where your dollar will buy more, and probably make
> the ardent cook even more ardent.
> N.
Agree Gift vouchers seem to be the safest bet and allows the
giftee a choice or even to pass it on to others .
The sort of gift that keeps on giving
I am forever greatful to a an old girlfriend and has turned out to be
a (along with her husband of 15 yeaqrs) long term mates who sent me
a victorknox gift voucher
ages ago that allowed with some additional cash to purchase a
beautiful set of kitchen knives and finishing steel sharpeners etc
That I use almost every day .
Certainly not the unkindest cut of all .
At the moment which has become a sort of tradition making up gifts
of home made liquers and Christmas puddings ready for distribution in
Basicly very simple boiled fruit cakes with HEAVY infusion of whisky
or brandy (also home made )
But they go down a treat if the requests are any indication
The real problem is getting the tins back
so can post all over
the place .