Cooking related gifts?
On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 14:48:29 -0600, Gloria P wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote:
>> On Oct 2, 2:11 pm, Kalmia > wrote:
>>> Christmas, Hanukkah etc. are not TOO far off. What would be a great
>>> gift item (other than ingredients) for the ardent cook on your list?
>>> I'd love a top notch mandoline, m'self.
>> ...a gift card to a kitchen supply place - either something like
>> Williams-Sonoma (which wants top dollar for everything) or a
>> restaurant supply where your dollar will buy more, and probably make
>> the ardent cook even more ardent.
>> N.
> It's hard to buy kitchen gifts for other people unless you know
> --what they have
> --what their cooking style is
> --what they need
> --what they want.
> Someone who has it all might be as thrilled with pretty new dish towels
> as another person would be with a KA or a breadmaker. It's all
> relative. Unless a new gadget is truly earth shattering, someone with
> limited space probably will send it to a charity resale shop within 6
> months.
> When in doubt or on a budget, homemade food is usually appreciated.
> gloria p
i was thinking along the same lines. most people have the equipment they
would like, so maybe a comestible would be better - maybe something they
(meaning me) thinks is too expensive to buy. like a certificate to a nice
a nice butcher shop.
your pal,