What recipe software do you use?
On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 12:09:24 -0700 (PDT), aem >
>On Oct 2, 9:22 pm, Ron > wrote:
>> MasterCook seems to be the most used program for recipes. May or may
>> not be the best, but it sure ranks up near the top.
>I don't use it but this does seem to be the case based on responses in
>this thread. They leave unanswered the crucial question that keeps me
>from using any such software. Then again, it's a hardware issue, I
>guess. Namely, what do I do with the kitchen drawer that is full of
>clippings from newspapers and magazines and typed pages of recipes?
>Not to mention all the writings in the margins of cookbooks? -aem
Well, no matter which recipe program you use, you will have to enter
recipes from clippings or magazines and the handwritten notes in the
margin of cookbooks by hand. Most recipe programs will import recipes
from other recipe programs, but I know of none that will import
directly from a scanned image of a recipe.
We use MasterCook to enter recipes we like particularly well and plan
to make again. With a bookcase full of cookbooks, it's too much
trouble to try to remember which book has a particular recipe. Also,
with MasterCook, or any recipe program, it's easy to make changes as
you adjust the recipe to your taste, and you end up with a clean copy
if you want to print out a page. The search and sort functions are
also very useful.
True, it's a convenience not a necessity. And it would be quite a
task to type in a drawer full of clippings and typed pages of recipes.
Depends on how patient you are and how many you try to type in at one
sitting. :-)
Ron Kelley