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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Cooking related gifts?

"jmcquown" wrote

> I never try to give foodies cooking-related gifts. IMHO, it's a bad idea.
> It's sort of like giving your wife a toaster for your wedding anniversary

Ah, but note that her question is pretty open ended. I will always get my
husband Don, something 'foodie' and he will get me something. This in
addition to other things ;-)

We keep it simple. He gets something he knows he would like to cook with
and thinks I will enjoy too, and I do the same. Since we both know what we
have already, it's pretty easy.

Generally if he flubs one, it's a cook book but he's gotten me lots of good
ones too.

> But seriously, most people who love to cook will already have most
> everything they want. And if they don't, whatever you give them isn't
> going to be exactly what they would have bought for themselves. They'll
> be gracious and say "thank you". Then it will go in the closet for 20
> years or be offered up at a future garage sale. If you want to give what
> you call "ardent cooks" a gift, give them a gift certificate from Penzeys.
> Or order a gift box of spices

Actually, I'd advise against the gift box of spices. Most foodies will have
them already. I'd be happy with the gift certificate though.
(Glancing at spice cabinet, I have over 100 though a few are dead and need