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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default What recipe software do you use?

isw wrote:
> In article >,
> Dave S > wrote:
>> Notepad

> There are a lot of problems trying to use any sort of text editor or
> word processor for recipes.
> For entering single recipes, they're OK; where they fail (as do
> "standard" database programs) is handling a recipe collection,
> especially one of any size.
> None of them understand the difference between an ingredient and a
> procedure. None can handle categories well (cheese, beans, Italian, main
> dish, appetizer, starch, crockpot, ...). None can do effective searches
> through a collection of recipes. None understand linking recipes (every
> recipe that calls for, say, Bernaise sauce linking to the Bernaise
> recipe), which is also useful in reverse: "I really want some Bernaise
> sauce; what can I pour it over?" And on and on.
> Isaac

I dunno. I can search for a single recipe throughout my cook book
collection on Master cook. I can even enter an item like "chicken
breasts" and it will find me recipes in several cookbooks.

As far as linking the sauce, Mastercook has the ability to "embed" a
recipe in another recipe. If I want to make asparagus with hollandaise
sauce, I can embed the sauce recipe into the asparagus recipe. I
consider that as a link. Maybe others do not.

Mastercook has many tricks and most people aren't aware of them. I am
still learning some of the tricks and I've had the program in 3 versions
for over 14 years.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.