What recipe software do you use?
madis wrote:
> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ron" wrote
>>> "madis" wrote:
>>>> I want to enter my recipes into a program. Which one is the most
>>>> used and
>>>> liked? I dont want to have to redo it if I find out what I'm using
>>>> isnt the
>>>> best.
>> Madis, what operating system do you have?
>>> MasterCook seems to be the most used program for recipes. May or may
>>> not be the best, but it sure ranks up near the top.
>> I predate MasterCook. I use MealMaster (now freeware). It runs on
>> DOS, all windows versions (except with Vista you have to add DOSBox
>> 0.73 which is freeware), and all Unix platforms (need to run it under
> I use Vista. I'm trying mastercook 9 seems to be very comprehensive.
> Will take me a while to figure it out though and how best to convert my
> recipes to it. Not likely i'm going to learn linux or dos at this point.
The Yahoo Group has a file for converting recipes. I don't remember what
it's called or even if the free ware is even still available, but if you
ask on that forum, someone will be able to help you.
I have found that the "tool" called "import assistant" is very helpful
for adding text recipes. You do a "copy" of your text recipe then paste
it into "import assistant" If the recipe is formatted properly, it's a
one-button operation. If not, you can make the changes (usually line
spacing) in the assistant then import over the sections one at a time.
I have recipes that I have gotten here or even on non-recipe fox
compatible web sites that I just copy and paste to the "import
assistant" and pop them right into my cookbooks.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.