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Default A Party for 144.......

cshenk wrote:
> "atec 7 7" wrote
> >> "cshenk" > wrote:

> > Sad isn't it even old army dogs can see shelly is pulling it ?

> Hey just curious, because i know little of Army, but at an established camp,
> how many cooks would they have for 400? I assume they also have the junior
> guys do a time of what Navy calls 'Mess Deck or Mess cranking' duty. Those
> folks handle the dishes, much of the serving line, storage breakout (mostly
> as a real CS will be there too directing it), and some of the basic food
> preps. I'm not talking in the field with MRE's, but where they actually
> cook. Just curious.
> The Navy BTW has gotten away recently from having multiple cooking kitchens
> on the smaller ships and gone what is called 'open mess' meaing one master
> cook spot who then sends the food off to the main enlisted galley, CPO mess,
> and officers mess. The Officers mess part was still in transition when I
> retired. The CPO mess equipment was used as an ancillary kitchen for the
> main food needs as I left the Essex. Many feared it would reduce the CPO
> mess quality (I was a CPO) but having been in an 'open mess' ship before, I
> assured folks it would be ok and it was. I know the CS Senior was happy to
> have me chime in with experience of such.
> It allowed a person who truely excelled at something, to hit all the various
> 'messes'. For example, it *seems* to me Sheldon was a really good pastry
> and bread chef. He'd in the more recent era have done that all the time for
> 400 people with 2 general duty guys 'mess deck assistants' to assist him.
> On the ESSEX, we had a team of 5 in the bake shop who handled upwards of
> 3,000 people a day. I remember battling with SURFOR to get $$$ to send them
> to pastry chef schools. Just 1 or 2, but they could train the rest on
> fancier stuff. The ROI was quite high as we didnt have to purchase some of
> the premade things. 1 pastry chef well trained cost 12,000$ from Sasebo
> Japan and equaled savings over premade of 39,500$ per year and you'd get a
> clear 2 years of savings. That same one would in turn often teach the next
> set well enough you didnt have to send another 2 years later.
> Navy cooks are generally pretty good. If i rag on Sheldon at times, it's
> when he fakes things out or makes them horrid hot dogs. He's probably a
> relatively able sort in his specialty.

You go girl!!!! My dad was a (Navy) requisition officer many years
back early in his 'military' career, and he told me that CPOs and the
enlisted always had better food than the officers! That's as it
should be, eh?!

Sky, former Navy brat

Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice!!