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Hot Dog Relish
"Don Martinich" > wrote in message
> In article
> >,
> WLinington > wrote:
>> I was wondering what people thought of when someone says "Hot Dog
>> Relish." Whether they think sweet, green relish as in used in Chicago,
>> or a yellowy mustard as in sold by some brands as hot dog relish. Or a
>> tomatey-relish, as I think I've heard is used by some stands in New
>> York.
>> Maybe it's a regional thing; but when I've searched for recipes for
>> Hot Dog Relish, the recipe variations are all over the map, so I
>> reckon there's no standard definition, just whatever kind of relish
>> you wanna put on, I suppose.. still, wondered what people thought.
> Here in CA, 'hot dog relish' is essentially a mix of pickle relish and
> yellow mustard.
Heinz makes that
George L