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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default Wildlife

notbob wrote:
> On 2009-10-07, Gloria P > wrote:
>> Ugh. Raccoons are cute at a distance, but they can be vicious.
>> They also can transmit rabies and canine distemper among other
>> diseases.
>> And those cute prairie dogs? Since we've lived in CO, more than
>> one person has been killed by plague carried by prairie dog fleas.
>> Wild animals aren't pets and shouldn't be encouraged to come close.

> Kill 'em all! Let god sort 'em out.
>> Bird feeding is a different story.

> Oooh....
> I discovered the downside of bird feeders. I trimmed up all the trees
> outside my window to provide birds with a good balance of bare limbs,
> covering foliage, and natural seed, so I could enjoy viewing the
> gorgeous American Goldfinch male, one of the most beautiful birds I've
> ever seen. But wait! No males. No females. No interaction of
> breeding and feeding like last yr. A puzzlemet! ...until I discovered
> a transient neighbor 2 doors down put up 3 gorge-until-you-die bird
> feeders!!
> When I discovered the feeders and trained my binoculars on them, I was
> shocked. It was like a UN food distro in a Somali refugee camp or
> feeding time for pigeons in Central Park. Total riot! ...and never a
> single male AG in my tree.
> Seems much like the run-amok mentality of pet owners. I want what I
> want and I have it, so screw everyone else and mother nature, too.
> nb

nb - Have you ever thought about writing for a living?

You made me even a little bit angry at your neighbor for the provided
bird dining experience when all you were trying to be a is a good nature

Oh well, once your neighbor realizes they will eat $200 a month in food
if he provided, and other critters (squirrels, raccoons, deer, etc.)
will soon be there looking for hand-outs, he'll likely quit, or severely
moderate his feeding before too long.

I'm glad you are enjoying your nature environment though... I wish every
one could.
