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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default Wildlife

Janet Bostwick wrote:

> You mean like the guy in a new sub in our city who went out to his car to go
> to work? Saw a large pool and streak of blood across his drive and a
> mountain lion dragging a deer away. We are moving up into their territory
> and they are moving down into ours. I won't walk our dog after dark, my
> husband doesn't worry about walking after dark.
> Janet

You got it! I'll never forget the news item when we first moved here
in the 80s. They interviewed as hysterical woman who lived in the hills
above Boulder. She was distraught because she had seen a mountain lion
attack and drag away her miniature poodle from her deck. She kept
saying "My Fifi, my Fifi!"

Of course my kids thought it was hysterical and for years every time a
wild animal attack was reported, they would yell "Fifi"!

Yeah, we're pretty cynical.

gloria p