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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default program on ground meat on now

Janet Bostwick said...

> "Andy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Janet Bostwick said...
>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> snip
>>> It also
>>>> called into question (at the very least) the practice of buying meat
>>>> and grinding it oneself.
>>>> --
>>>> Jean B.
>>> Why is that?
>>> Janet

>> I heard it mentioned that steaks only get contaminated on the outside
>> surfaces and grilling steaks kills that off but, if you grind that same
>> piece of meat, you are potentially folding any outside contamination
>> into the grind.
>> Andy

> Oh, I see. Then that would be true of any ground meat, no matter how
> large the original cut of meat. Bummer
> Janet


That's what I heard.

As populations explode the world over, the agricultural knee-jerk reaction
is to faster supply beef (and all other consumables) to meet the larger
growing demand at any cost. It's a snowballing downward spiral, imho.

