Hot Dog Relish
On Oct 6, 9:26Â*pm, "< Stu >" > wrote:
> On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 20:32:14 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> -->In article
> >,--> WLinington > wrote:
> -->> you wanna put on, I suppose.. still, wondered what people thought.
> -->
> -->The stuff I made last week had onion, peppers (sweet bell), a clove of
> -->garlic, some bread and butter pickles, a little cinnamon, a little
> -->clove, a splash of vinegar simmered briefly in some tomato sauce (want
> -->to guess if it was homemade from scratch?) Â*It is very good. Â* (The
> -->cinnamon and clove are typically found in chili sauce recipes€¹*sort* of
> -->what I was aiming for, but a quick cook version.)
> I really enjoyed the Heinz hot chili sauce , it came in small bottles Â*kinda
> like a small ketchup bottle. We can't get it here anymore, I'm guessing I may
> find it in fargo or GF if I look hard. It was wonderful on hotdogs and
> hamburgers.
Sometimes you can find Heinz "English" stuff in the A&A store next to
McDonald's on Main at 9th Streets or Hornbachers - especially Osgood.
The English stuff has some products not sold or discontinued in the US
- Salad Cream, Baked Beans etc.
Where are you anyway?
Lynn in Fargo