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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default program on ground meat on now

zxcvbob wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>> Janet Bostwick wrote:
>>>> "Andy" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Jean B. said...
>>>>>> on NPR:
>>>>>> This will also be archived for later listening. You will never
>>>>>> buy ground meat again. (Yes, I am thinking of what Sheldon has
>>>>>> said for MANY years!)
>>>>> I still remember when we could eat fresh ground hamburger out of the
>>>>> supermarket package and it actually smelled AND tasted great!
>>>>> Sorry to those who'll never know.
>>>>> Andy
>>>> I miss that. . . a sandwich of raw ground round on rye with slices
>>>> of onion. That was an everyday thing when I was growing up, nothing
>>>> special.
>>>> Janet
>>> You can still do that if you grind up a round steak. :-)
>>> I'll still use ground mystery beef sometimes where it gets cooked
>>> well done, or sometimes I'll use a package out of the freezer that I
>>> ground myself last time I found brisket or chuck on sale real cheap.
>>> If I want a medium-rare burger, I grind it. But I find myself eating
>>> a lot less meat lately, and more beans and cheese.
>>> Bob

>> According to this program, the standards for steaks etc. are lower
>> than those for ground meat, because it is thought that the steaks will
>> be cooked to a degree that kills off pathogens....

> You can wash a steak, or sear it on the outside. (or buy a rump roast
> and trim it yourself.)
> Bob

I have thought of the searing trick. Of course, I then tell
myself not to puncture the steak in the process!

Jean B.