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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default Wildlife

Giusi wrote:
> "Bob Muncie" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> Giusi wrote:

> and they yell at each other in the middle of
>>> the night.

>> Guisi - You have a very interesting way to share that sentiment... and I >
>> would have to agree. I stopped gardening in general when I moved to my
>> current place (ten acres in the subs in 1990). The critters broke me one >
>> night when they chose to take one single bite out of each and every >
>> green tomato before the next morning.

> The veg garden has been almost given up for a couple of years. The chard
> and broccoli eaten to the ground every morning--- etc. I planted hundreds
> of summer bulbs and the next morning neat little goat prints and all eaten
> but TWO. Twice the boar have plowed up every inch to get gramininia roots,
> killing roses, lilies, shrubs, everything but the evil graminia weed grass.

Thanks for not pointing out I butchered your name. I realized only after
having hit the send button.

I think it's likely you've seen my misspellings in the past and forgave.

This year, I put tomatoes only (six plants), in large containers, that
sat on the top of a cord of wood this year. The few tomatoes that I
pulled off, were very good. But the plants themselves did not do well
this year. The weather was strange. Heavy rain one day, sunny and cold
the next, etc., so like a love you don't want to forsake, I was burned
yet again.

<heavy sigh>

I hope your day is going well for you.
