In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
> Om wrote:
> >>>> 4. scallop seviche on blood-orange sushi rice
> >>>
> >>> They all sound interesting but I like #4 the best!
> >>
> >> The salted reduced blood orange juice used in place of the usual flavored
> >> rice vinegar doesn't lend as deep a color to the rice as you might
> >> expect; I ended up amplifying the color using red and yellow food
> >> coloring to make it as gorgeous as I wanted it to be.
> >>
> > You could always use saffron or turmeric?
> >
> > It still sounds fascinating!
> I didn't want to add the flavor of saffron or turmeric. The rice had a great
> flavor from the salted blood orange juice; all I wanted was a more striking
> color.
> Bob, wondering whether cochineal went into the red food coloring
<chuckles> Worried about bugs now?
There are some fruits that can add an intense color and complimentary
flavor too if you are worried about that. I understand tho' that food
coloring has it's place.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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