"hahabogus" > wrote in message
> "jmcquown" > wrote in
> on Oct Sat 2009 05:30 am
>> "Gloria P" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> Christine Dabney > wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 8 Oct 2009 23:14:48 -0400, "Nancy Young"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Interesting. I figured people would just toss them on the
>>>>>> compost pile.
>>>>>> nancy
>>>>> Not us southerners... We cook a lot of things that people throw
>>>>> away, and make delicacies of them, that some folks pay a lot of
>>>>> money to eat....
>>>>> Christine
>>>> Yeah, and then pretty soon we're ALL paying a lot of money for them.
>>>> The price of chicken wings is goofy. All it needs is someone with
>>>> some chutzpah to promote humble food as "the latest trend" and
>>>> prices double.
>>> Yeah, remember the days of $.99 a pound flank steak, swordfish, short
>>> ribs, spare ribs? Sigh....
>>> I have a hard time finding any meat at less than $2.49/lb and most
>>> are way over that.
>>> gloria p
>> I remember $.59//lb flank steak, then came the fajita craze and
>> Chinese beef & broccoli. I'm lucky if I can find a flank steak at
>> all, let alone for less than $7.99/lb. I can buy "country ribs"
>> (which I realize aren't "ribs" at all, so shut up everyone who would
>> like to correct me) for much less per pound than "baby back ribs".
>> Then restaurants started promoting their baby back ribs. They used to
>> be dirt cheap. Now? Yeah, right. They're laughing all the way to
>> the bank. Heh. I'm hoping oxtails don't jump on the restaurant menu
>> bandwagon. I love to make oxtail soup. They're already pricy
>> enough... how many tails are there, after all?
>> Recipe I've used many times but not recently... I have no idea where I
>> got it posted in 2000:
>> Oxtail Soup:
>> 2 oxtails, disjointed (they'll do this at the butcher or the meat
>> counter) 1/4 c. oil
>> flour seasoned with salt & pepper
>> 3 quarts water
>> 1/2 c. chopped carrots
>> 1 c. chopped celery
>> 1 c. chopped onion
>> 2 Tbs. chopped fresh parsley
>> Dust oxtails with seasoned flour. Brown well in deep pot in oil.
>> [This is not to say deep fry them; this is an old recipe. A little
>> oil in a deep pot!] Add 2 quarts water, 1 tsp. salt and a bouquet
>> garni of fresh parsley, bay leaf, sprigs of marjoram or thyme and 3-4
>> peppercorns in a cheesecloth bag. Simmer for 3 hours, stirring
>> occasionally. Remove oxtails to a platter and let cool to the touch.
>> Skim fat from soup. Bone the oxtails and add the meat to the soup.
>> Stir in remaining 1 quart water and the vegetables. Simmer until
>> vegetables are tender, about 30-45 minutes. Remove bouquet garni.
>> Taste soup and adjust seasonings. Stir in parsley and heat through.
>> Jill
> Sounds good like it did last time you posted it. But I have a question. Do
> you really use cheese cloth
> for the bouquet? I prefer to use a Tea ball. I have a bitch of a time
> finding cheese cloth that I feel is
> food friendly plus hate to make the little packages and do the tying up
> bit. Also I feel GREENER
I use cheese cloth and kitchen twine to make the bouquet garni. I don't see
anything NOT GREEN about cheese cloth. Hell, I don't re-use toilet paper
and cheese cloth and kitchen twine is bio-degradable. One of these days
I'll get around to buying a tea ball. Frankly, I don't make many soups
which require bouquet garni so a tea ball isn't the first thing I think of
when I go shopping.
> I don't want you to think I am being criticial as I do enjoy your recipes,
> well some of them, you got
> several grits issues; you make grits and you like grits. But other than
> that you is OK.
LOL I don't have grits issues, Alan. You have grits issues

Truth be told
I haven't eaten grits in months. I *do* have them on my shopping list