OT " A Question"
brooklyn1 wrote:
>> I don't think age is so important as how one
>> lives their life.
>> I hope that helps, of course it's only my opinion.
I like that distinction, Sheldon. I do think health
enters into it somewhere, too.
Dimitri wrote:
> Therefore Middle age is when your mind makes promises your
body > is still capable of keeping.
That's awfully flip, Dimitri, but in some ways it is true.
I know a couple in their late 80s who used to be our neighbors.
She is still lots of fun and raring to go. He's an old crab
who has gotten more and more paranoid in old age. He won't
travel now, even to visit their kids and grandkids, won't go
out to dinner, won't let her drive even to the grocery store.
His excuse is "I'm too old" so he won't even make the effort.
She's vital and interesting; he's sitting around waiting to die.
gloria p