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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default OT " A Question"

On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:09:16 -0600, Gloria P >

>brooklyn1 wrote
> >> I don't think age is so important as how one
>>> lives their life.

>> I hope that helps, of course it's only my opinion.

>I like that distinction, Sheldon. I also think that health
>enters into the equation.
>Dimitri wrote
> > Therefore Middle age is when your mind makes promises your

>body > is still capable of keeping.
>I'm not sure I'd phrase it exactly that way. I think Middle Age
>can come at any time, when you refuse to try anything new because
>"I'm too old." or "It's too much trouble."
>I know a couple in their late 80s, they used to be neighbors of
>ours. She is still fun and raring to go. He is an old
>fuss-budget who won't travel, even to see their children and
>grandchildren, won't go out to eat

I trust you're kidding... at nearly ninety his children and grand
children should be visiting him. Why should a man that age be made to
endure the rigors of travel to where no one will go out of their way
to ensure his comfort. People that age usually have medical issues
that require special consideration. You've got to be kidding, or you
are not in your right mind. At ninety they should feel honored with
his presence that he's still here.