Gourmet bites the dust
Dave Smith wrote:
> Dan Abel wrote:
> > Seems like your typical US business practice. Buy out your competition,
> > milk the product for what it's worth, and then close it down. Now
> > you've got the whole market, but just need to print one magazine, and
> > have one set of staff. You can choose the best staff from each, and
> > ditch the rest. What's not to like about this, if you are just looking
> > for money?
> That's pretty much the way things work. The ironic thing about it is
> that the businessmen who do that preach about free enterprise and the
> need for competition to make operations things efficient and keep prices
> down. Then they buy up the competition to keep their prices high.
Would it bother you if Warren Buffet bought the rights
to Gourmet magazine and shipped the whole thing to China?
In addition to the magazine their could be, like,
frozen food dinners.