In article >,
"Dave Bugg" > wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > I don't watch ANY of the competitive food TV shows.
> >
> > Competitors AND hosts AND judges are so overly full of BS, it's
> > laughable!!!
> >
> > Imho,
> SAID you don't watch!?
Yeah, I don't watch some of them either. That means I watch them once,
or if I *really* don't like them, just part of one, and resolve not to
watch again. Then again, sometimes my wife watches (she likes
"Chopped", which I don't). We only have one tv, and it's in the living
room, so sometimes I end up watching (or listening to) shows that I
don't like. If I *really* don't like a show, and my wife does, I just
go for a walk (after ascertaining the ending time for the show). What
*really* ****es me off is when the shows are on in the evening, because
I don't like to walk in the dark.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA