Gloria P > wrote in message
> ChattyCathy wrote:
> Although I replied, I'm not sure what the point of the second question
> was. If you are friendly enough to be asked to dinner, why wouldn't
> accept happily unless the neighbor has a house that should be condemned by
> the health department? (I don't know anyone like that.)
Because there are some people out there (I'm not one and it sounds like you
aren't either) that will only eat over at a friend's house if they themself
have prepared the food because they "know the levels of cleanliness that
have been maintained."
Personally, those "people" are freaks and should be seated (while duct-taped
to a chair) at a Home Town Buffet and forced to endure a dinner rush or two.
They're right there with those people that should be condemned by the health
The Ranger