Victor Sack wrote:
>>> Still avoiding dealing with the actual information, I see. You do
>>> not seem to know much about Italian cuisines, probably not even
>>> about Emilian one. You cannot argue your way out of a paper bag.
>> I simply got tired of talking with an asshole who pretends to tell
>> to an italian what we italians think of pizza. Get lost, you and
>> your ridiculous attempt at that.
> You needed a *month* to come up with *that*?
I have simply left you to your bullshit and yesterday, ending up in the old
posts, I saw your post here all alone and forgot, and I thougth "Hey, the
mechanical mouse has stopped! Let's give it some charge so it will spin for
another month or so..."
> A month of sleepless nights pondering the above!
If I could lose my sleep for any pompous fatass as you, I wouldn't be
sleeping since the day I am on usenet. Lame attempt at being a smartass
> Your palpitations are almost palpable.
> It hurts to be proved wrong, doesn't it?
Proved wrong by one who writes "neapolitan is almost synomim of thin" and
tries to proves it by finding two kinds of pizza typical to only 2 regions,
(two islands), and which have almost ZERO diffusion out of that region, and
just 2 on 20 italian regions? No, don't worry, that isn't what I call being
proven wrong. Since you're so fond of italian pizza, why didn't you talk
about pizza in Riviera Romagnola? In piedomont? In lom,bardia? In emilia? In
marche? In puglia? In calabria? And there are more regions to prove you
> Is Luca Pinotti your real name? The resemblance is truly remarkable:
> same repetitive, witless ad hominems in barely coherent postings and a
> total inability to argue your way out of a paper bag.
You argued your way so well that you tried to back-up a general rule by
using 2 exceptions to a 20 regions nation. You're arguing your way out of a
toilet here, bubba.
But the best joke of all is that, to try prove yourself right, you painted
an Italy where people always finds just neapolitan, sicilian and sardinian
style pizzas.
You're a total dope, and I know some dope will be offended.
> First you post complete, utter nonsense (your original post in this
> ancient thread asserting that pizza napoletana is 3-cm thick),
My poor boy, thewt always robbed you of the border everytime you bougth a
pizza, ROTFL
> then you get all discombobulated when it is pointed out to you.
I tend to get tired of asshioles who pretend to tell me what I think. This
is called, here in Italy, tryiong to teach the Bible to the Priests. Typical
of pompous hot-air-full usenet junkies.
> Here, again, is what Italians, writing in Italian for Italians, say
> about Neapolitan pizza. Hint: they say it is "sottile", thin.
> Are they all lying?
First of all I posted to you my experience and a link and you didn't give a
**** about them, so why should I give a **** about the links you've
*accuratedly* selected to try to prove youself right?
Hey bubba, you're right: I don't give a flying **** about them
And please, continue trying to tell me what I think of pizza, it's
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