On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:35:17 -0600, Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:29:13 -0700, Ranée at Arabian Knits
> > wrote:
>> This is a great question. I was hoping to read more from other
>>people and glean their ideas.
>> I don't know that I can pinpoint the most creative thing I've made.
>>Perhaps this is why other people aren't posting as much, either.
> I don't think I am very creative at all. I tend to go to my cookbooks,
> and if I have made a recipe a time or two, I might change something.
> But that's about it.
> Occasionally, I decide I want to try a takeoff on something..but I
> can't say that is really creative.
>> I think I get pretty creative with ingredients when I am down to what
>>we have and forced to make up something that is nutritious, tasty and
>>filling, but I don't know that I can quantify what those meals are.
> Again, I usually head to my cookbooks... I find there isn't much that
> hasn't already been done sometime or another.... If I am low on
> ingredients, and need to only use what I have in the house, I can
> usually find something to do with them. And I am pretty good about
> substitutions....
> But creative? Nah....
> Christine
i wouldn't feel bad. not everyone can be an artist, but artists also need
people with the taste to appreciate them.
your pal,