The supreme lord of every fast-food
Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 23:33:42 +0200, Victor Sack wrote:
> > Sqwertz > wrote:
> >
> >> Victor portrays himself as the expert on all cuisines, but it's all
> >> just a front.
> >>
> >> It is kinda silly arguing Italian cuisine between somebody who's
> >> only visited there and somebody who lives there. He's what's known
> >> as a narcissistic personality. Very adamant and impossible to argue
> >> with because they are never wrong, in their minds.
> >
> > If you were projecting any more you could rent yourself out as a cinema.
> That's exactly what a narcissist would say.
Well, *you* would know.
> And I'd bet you'd be hard-pressed to find anybody else who can
> honestly say I portray myself as an expert on anything and
> everything (except maybe Asian foods - at least for a White guy).
> Maybe you're thinking of Sheldon?
You do not have to get defensive. You are already oozing envy and