On Oct 13, 4:07*pm, Andy > wrote:
> Chemo the Clown said...
> > On Oct 13, 2:49*pm, Andy > wrote:
> >> Chat?
> >> Andy
> > Sure but I still can't figure out how to get there. Got there once,
> > bookmarked it but then I couldn't get back. Maybe I need a Sloppy Joe,
> > ya think?
> Chemo the Clown,
> If you have the Firebox browser and you've got the Chatzilla (add-
> on/downloadable) you can run it and when all is mish/mashed and done, type
> /join #rec.food.cooking
> Then /nick Chemo the Clown OR /nick Chemo and join in the conference.
> There's no set food topic but it can trend towards one or another or
> another. 
> Best,
> Andy
I have IE. Do you mean Firefox??