rfc "Fag Tagging"
Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig wrote:
> Excuse me, friends. As a former mental health worker, I feel bound to
> tell you that most of you are doing just what Andy wants and needs.
> This is a manifestation of a severe and persistent mental illness
> known as "Addictive Verbal Masochist/Sadist VIctim Syndrome". His
> brain chemistry is disturbed.
> Andy feeds on your negative feedback (that's why they call it
> feedback). You can respond in either of two ways:
> 1. Respond in the same way and feed his pathetic addiction. This is
> the fuel which keeps the vitriolic rants coming and provides him joy
> in the only tragic way he can experience it:
> " . . . I'll have you know, I don't miss you either! You're nothing
> special. Sorry
> to break the bad news old man. You'll read this! It's in your bullshit
> nature."
> 2. Ignore him and eventually there will be no thread to provide the
> "drug" he so desperately desires. This will only frustrate him to the
> point where he gets no pleasure and eventually gives up.
> I know it's difficult for good, kind folks to hear the bigotry and
> homophobia he spews. Responding in-kind, however, is a knee jerk
> reaction. Better to understand that ignoring him is the very
> effective therapy that only we can provide.
> Stay strong, resolute and silent . . . for Andy's sake.
> Sincerely yours,
> Lynn in Fargo
> former Mental Health Psycho-social Rehabilitation Therapist and Mental
> Patient
Hi Lynn - I'm not sure where I fit. I like Andy. I did not post anything
inflammatory on this thread. And yet you chose my response as a point to
"jump in".
Since I was not being negative, can you explain that please?