chicken haul @ .49/lb
On Oct 14, 12:49*pm, aem > wrote:
> On Oct 14, 5:58 am, Kalmia > wrote:
> > I spent time yesterday skinning about 35 lb. of chicken leg quarters -
> > at 49 cents a pound, *I couldn't *pass 'em up .
> > Today, I will spend many hours preparing, cooking and freezing
> > portions of cacciatore, soup, burritos etc.
> That's a great price, but I no longer buy leg quarters because cutting
> away the hip/backbone remnant is too much of a chore. *It's easy to
> cut the leg and thigh cleanly off a whole bird, but I can't pull the
> leg out as easily when there's only that fragment to leverage
> against. *That extra bit is just (s)crap, afaic. * *-aem
It was not easy, but at that price.....
I was glad I own an electric knife, I can tell YOU. Separating thigh
from drumstick was a job, but I had someone else skinning the pieces,
so it only took about a half hour. Some pieces didn't seem to have
that remnant you mentioned.