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--Bryan --Bryan is offline
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Posts: 475
Default chicken haul @ .49/lb

On Oct 14, 11:49*am, aem > wrote:
> On Oct 14, 5:58 am, Kalmia > wrote:
> > I spent time yesterday skinning about 35 lb. of chicken leg quarters -
> > at 49 cents a pound, *I couldn't *pass 'em up .
> > Today, I will spend many hours preparing, cooking and freezing
> > portions of cacciatore, soup, burritos etc.

> That's a great price, but I no longer buy leg quarters because cutting
> away the hip/backbone remnant is too much of a chore. *It's easy to
> cut the leg and thigh cleanly off a whole bird, but I can't pull the
> leg out as easily when there's only that fragment to leverage
> against. *That extra bit is just (s)crap, afaic. * *-aem

It takes practice, and some thumb strength, but those hip pieces
aren't merely free, they pay you to take them when leg quarters are on
sale. You do have to cut them off, but after that, and removing the
oh-so-nasty kidneys, they are great for making stock. I like to cut
the leg quarter in 3 pieces and fry the drumsticks and skins removed
from the thighs up crispy. I cut most of the meat off of the thighs
and reserve for adding to the soup near the end, and throw the femur
in with the pelvises for the broth.
